Ariel Winter, vedeta plinuta pe care toata lumea o adora. Motivul pentru care atrage atentia barbatilor, dar si femeilor

Ariel Winter se bucura de admiratie multor barbati, insa nici femeile nu au o parere mai putin buna despre ea. Plinuta, daca ne ghidam dupa standardele de frumusete de la Hollywood, cu bustul micsorat, contrar operatiilor estetice de marire pe care alte vedete si le face, Ariel primeste toate laudele pentru formele sale.

Mandra de silueta sa, vedeta din "The Modern Family" a povestit in trecut ca uneori ii este greu sa renunte la haine atunci cand ajunge la plaja, dar ca incearca sa isi accepte trupul exact asa cum e. Dincolo de declaratiile ei, Ariel are totusi niste postari indraznete pe paginile de socializare, unele dintre ele fiind criticate chiar de mama actritei.

Femeia a povestit presei ca nu este deloc de acord cu noul stil al fiicei sale: "Are nevoie sa se maturizeze. I-as spune ca se imbrace adecvat, sa fie frumoasa prin persoana care este".

Unul dintre lucrurile pe care fanii actritei le-au observat este acela ca, desi se spune despre ea ca este plinuta, Ariel Winter pare ferita de problema tuturor femeilor, celulita.  Surprinsa de paparazzi in toate ipostazele posibile si imbracata in cele mai sumare tinute, tanara de 19 ani arata foarte bine, semn ca mai important decat kilogramele este stilul de viata. :)


Y'all I love you but PLEASE pay attention and post my REAL point from my @refinery29 interview!!! Not that I'm "defending living with my 29 year old boyfriend" or that I'm "firing back at Trump" because first of all I don't need to defend anything I'm super happy and in love, and I'm not firing at anyone just sharing an opinion after being ASKED! The point was to take back the beach and help people understand that the beach should be a safe space to go as you please and feel good about yourself no matter what! Makeup on, makeup off, heels, sandals, covered up, exposed, do you and feel HAPPY about who you are and YOUR choices, not the ones society wants us to choose. It's also HARD to be 100% confident- I'm still not- but I'm on a journey and I want other people to know they're not alone. We all struggle but through our struggle we get stronger and closer to our goals. Body positivity is important- not that I live with my boyfriend. Press- please read the article and take it for what it is- not what will give you more readers! Let's all be real and represent people how they want to be represented through what they actually say. Rant over. Love yourselves, love others, be yourselves, and be happy. Xo

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Vezi mai multe imagini in galeria foto de mai jos:
  • Ariel Winter, vedeta plinuta pe care toata lumea o adora. Motivul pentru care atrage atentia barbatilor, dar si femeilor

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