De la masura S a ajuns la XXXL si inca este model. Cum arata cea care ar putea sa o detroneze pe Ashley Graham

Trendul modelelor plus-size este intr-o continua crestere. Multe femei renunta la dietele drastice si la antrenamentele draconice si trec in tabara celor care nu se infometeaza si sunt mandre de formele lor voluptoase.

Succesul lui Ashley Graham le-a inspirat si pe alte modele sa realizeze ca nu trebuie sa se infometeze pentru a avea o cariera in industria modei. La'Tecia Thomas, in varsta de 26 de ani, a incercat si ea aceasta reteta si de la masura 36 a ajuns la 46.


Spicing up your timeline a little bit???? ladies, get that lingerie on and slayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ???????? Wearing @hopelesslingerie Shot by @stephcammarano

A post shared by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀La'Tecia (@lateciat) on

Tanara se declara incantata de formele pe care le are acum si spune ca nu a fost niciodata mai fericita: “inca ma antrenez, dar nu fac o obsesie din asta, nu ma mai antrenez cate 3 ore in fiecare zi, asa cum o faceam inainte. Acum am o viata mult mai echilibrata”.


I was going through my phone and I found this old photo of me back when I was training to compete in a bikini competition. So many people will look at this photo and make physical comparisons and say they would prefer me 'before'. I prefer me at any weight as long as I'm happy. It's okay to love yourself no matter what your size is. I remember how unhappy I was In the picture to the left, I would loathe certain parts of my body- particularly my bum/ thighs because that was and is the hardest part of my body to loose. I had so many insecurities, I compared myself to other women and I lacked confidence. Since changing my outlook on life and learning to embrace who I am, I know that hypothetically if I were to go back to what I used to be I would be so much happier and content than what I was because I've learned to love me. Your mental health is just as important as your physical. Also I'm not saying it's okay to be inactive and make unhealthy choices, I think it's about finding balance, listen to your body, you know what's best for it. ????

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Desi spune ca are grija la alimentatia ei, La'Tecia Thomas cantareste 95 de kilograme si este o sursa de inspiratie pentru toate tinerele care au probleme cu greutatea si spun ca sunt tachinate din aceasta cauza. Contul ei de Instagram este urmarit de 438.000 de persoane.

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