Nimeni n-ar ghici ca a fost plinuta. Cum arata Jennifer Nicole Lee, antrenoarea careia fitness-ul i-a schimbat viata

A nascut doi copii, a slabit 35 de kilograme si a devenit Miss Bikini America. Femeia careia fitness-ul i-a schimbat viata, Jennifer Nicole Lee, face senzatie acum ori de cate ori apare in public sau posteaza vreo fotografie.

Fotografiata imbracata din cap pana in picioare, in pantaloni extrem de scurti sau in bikini, la plaja, Jennifer Nicole Lee este o senzatie a internetului si nu numai. Contul sau de Instagram este urmarit de 56 000 de oameni si fiecare imagine este analizata in amanunt de fanii sai.

Mama a doi copii, Jennifer a devenit o fanatica a fitness-ului si a trecut usor de la a se transforma intr-o femeie slaba, in a deveni o adevarata regina a fitness-ului, acum avand pachetele de muschi pe fiecare parte a corpului.
Jennifer a scris carti despre povestea ei, a scos cateva DVD-uri cu exercitii fizice , ba chiar si-a facut propria linie de costume de baie si a devenit una dintre cele mai mediatizate vedete de pe Instagram, in America.


"You are a MASTERPEICE! You are both the ARTISTS, the & the piece of ART! What will you create, paint, sculpt today? May it be beautiful, strong, empowering, and inspire others! In a world full of hate, anger, & frustration, may you find your inner peace, and draw, paint, sculpt something memorable that will motivate all to be better! Keep believing! xo JNL Photo by Ivan Rojos, Hair by @Gee_Bow, Makeup by @Naivyarochamua Swimsuit by @PacSun #JenniferNicoleLee #Instamood #PicOfTheDay #IgDaily #Fashion #Photos #Art #Modeling #SuperModel #FitnessModel #FashionMode #Author #Fun #Style #Grateful #Miami #NYC #London #Sydney #MiamiBeach #Fitness #Spring #Hot #Summer #Masterpeice #Vegan #Happy #Beautiful #JNLFitnessStudioOnline #Strong

A post shared by Jennifer Nicole Lee (@jennifernicolelee) on


Thank You God for my STRONG BACK! Fit-fam, in life, in order to SUCCEED, you must have a STRONG BACK! (Literally & figuratively speaking!) You see, life will knock you down, but its when you GET UP TO KICK BUTT is when you get STRONGER! Strength is not given, it is EARNED! So today, on this Monday I urge you to be STRONGER than your EXCUSES & DOUBT! Push through, be committed & NEVER GIVE UP! Remember, with a STRONG SPINE, YOU HAVE A STRONG MIND. Ladies, when life gets hard, remember just how strong you are, and KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE! Much more fitspo at I believe in YOU! xo JNL #JenniferNicoleLee #Strong #Fitness #Fashion #modeling #StrongBack #Model #Woman #Empower #Inspire #NeverGiveUp #Believe #Succeed #Vision #leader #author #Lifecoach #Instamood #Love #Instagood #Life #Instalike #Miami #Photography #Art #Grateful #JNLFitnessStudioOnline #Vegan #ThankYouGod

A post shared by Jennifer Nicole Lee (@jennifernicolelee) on


????????Happy 1st Hump Day of 2017! Post your goals below! I want to know! May I inspire you to DREAM BIG & NEVER GIVE UP! Also, if you are looking for support & modern day solutions to help you achieve your fitness & wellness, & nutrition goals, Im here for you! Today, I taught and presented online worldwide my "Glutes That Salute" Workout, and is now avail for replay. For more fitness support, please visit @JNLFitnessStudioOnline and For nutrition and food support & modern day solutions, please follow @JNLFunFitFoodie Im always here for you! And I look forward to helping you achieve your BIGGEST DREAMS, as YOUR SUCCESS is MY SUCCESS! (Outfit by the JNL Collection available at @ElisabettaRogiani , Use code JNLFITFAN to get 15% off your entire order!) I believe in YOU xo JNL #JenniferNicoleLee #Happy #HumpDay #Smile #Health #Lifestyle #HMU #Fashion #Love #life #fit #fun #modern #2017 #Future #Solutions #Busy #Worldwide #Webcam #Workouts #Webinars #Coach #BestSelling #Author #Blessed #Miami #Global

A post shared by Jennifer Nicole Lee (@jennifernicolelee) on

  • Nimeni n-ar ghici ca a fost plinuta. Cum arata Jennifer Nicole Lee, antrenoarea careia fitness-ul i-a schimbat viata

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