S-a predat stafeta! Fiica fostului model Christie Brinkley, va poza in costum de baie pentru Sport Illustrated

Sailor, fiica de 19 ani a modelului Christei Brinkley a fost surprinsa de catre mama ei cand i-a oferit vestea cea mare de a face parte din grupul modelelor de la SI Swimsuit 2018.

In urmatoarea editie a revistei Sports Illustrated Swimsuit va debuta un model cu numele de Brinkley, dar aceasta nu va fi Christie.
Sailor Brinkley Cook, in varsta de 19 ani, este fiica modelului Christie Brinkley si al lui Peter Cook si va face parte din grupul modelelor ce vor aparea in revista Sports Illustrated Swimsuit in 2018, alaturi de Chase Carter si Robin Holzken.

Ea este prima fiica a uneia dintre faimoasele modele din cadrul revistei Sports Illustrated care a reusit sa fie selectata pentru a fi model in cadrul acestei reviste, iar mama ei a fost cea care i-a dat de stire, intrerupand  interviul fals pe care fata il sustinea la compania IMG din New York.

Inainte ca fostul model SI Swimsuit, Christie, sa intervina in mijlocul interviului, aceasta a declarat: “ Ea crede ca a venit astazi sa sustina un interviu pentru Fashion Week, dar ea este aici pentru a avea parte de o mare surpriza”.Fata a fost coplesita de emotii atunci cand i s-a inmanat costumul de baie cu numele ei imprimat pe el: “Nu pot sa cred ca este adevarat” a spus aceasta.


I've spent the majority of my life fighting against myself and my body. I dont have double D boobs or a big butt. My legs arent miles long and when i sit my stomach has little rolls. I dont wear makeup. I feel most myself in sweatpants and nikes. I love to run and box and play sports and sweat. I'm never going to be as tall as a supermodel (unless i have a crazy growth spurt, that would be fun lol) I'm also never going to be short and petite or dainty and uber feminine. There are a lot of things i've been told i should be in my life. Theres also a lot of things i've been told i shouldn't be in my life. But i've come to realize (and i know this sounds cheesy but arent all cheesy sayings super true?).. that the only thing I can be is the best version of myself. Whatever that might be. I'm here for ANY one who has ever cried in front of the mirror and thought what they saw wasn't good enough. I'm here for any one struggling to love themselves. I'm here for the tomboy girls who have ever been told to act more "lady like". I'm here for the women with small breasts who think they can't feel sexy because of mainstream beauty ideals. I'm here for any one currently fighting or that have gotten past an eating disorder. I understand. I'm here for any one who's wanted to give up on themselves but chose to keep going. My biggest hope is that i can positively represent anyone who identifies with these things... on the pages of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED!!! ???????? Thank you @mj_day and @si_swimsuit for giving me this opportunity and believing in me as an individual. I love you guys with my full whole heart!! Thank you mama @christiebrinkley for passing down your legacy, you open these doors for me but i promise to be gracious, grateful, kind and work twice as hard to keep those incredible doors open. Thank you to every single person who supports me i am SO beyond lucky. THANK U THANK U THANK U!!!!!! @ospedales IM A ROOKIE!!!!!!!! ♥️♥️♥️ Gotta go to class now and try not to bounce off the walls ????????‍♀️ lol ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ (Also while i have your attention please go to the link in my bio and donate to hurricane relief!)

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This bikini is eco-friendly and very peachy ???????? @perfectpeachswim

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???? from @hamptonsmag & @jennyhargrove ❤️???????????? get ur copy! out now!

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Summer in the city

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Christie este primul model care a pozat consecutiv pentru SI Swimsuit, devenind imaginea principala in 1975.

In acest an, Christie a reaparut pe paginile revistei alaturi de fiicele ei Sailor si Alexa Ray Joe, pozand in costume de baie negre asortate pe minunatele plaje Turks si Caicos. Modelul a aratat uluitor in timp ce poza alaturi de fetele ei, purtand un costum de baie dintr-o singura bucata cu un model din plasa, care ii punea in evidenta silueta de invidiat pe care o are la varsta de 63 de ani.

Christie Brinkley spune ca fost o placere sa pozeze alaturi de fetele ei: “Aceste zile au trecut, dar am ales sa fac acest lucru alaturi de fetele mele pentru ultima data”. In acelasi interviu Sailor a sustinut ca pozand alaturi de mama ei, a facut-o sa se simta “foarte puternica si eliberata”.

Ca si mama ei, Sailor nu este sfioasa atunci cand vine vorba de a posta poze cu ea in costum de baie pe Instagram, desi recunoaste ca nu intotdeauna s-a simtit bine in pielea ei.  “Am avut probleme cu felul de cum aratam din totdeauna. Am crescut neiubindu-mi corpul si felul cum aratam si astfel am stagnat. Eu si corpul meu am trecut prin toate”, spune fata intr-o postare pe Instagram. 

Sailor este pregatita pentru a-si incepe noua cariera de model SI Swimsuit, luand-o pe urmele mamei sale, care a avut un succes incredbil de-a lungul anilor. 


#nationalbikiniday ???? @si_swimsuit #si

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  • S-a predat stafeta! Fiica fostului model Christie Brinkley, va poza in costum de baie pentru Sport Illustrated

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