Avea 126 de kilograme şi acum are 63! A făcut o schimbare la îndemâna oricui şi a slăbit cu... Instagram

Avea 126 de kilograme şi a slăbit 63, iar acum arată senzaţional! 

Josephine Desgrand, o adolescentă ambiţioasă de 19 ani,  a apelat la rețeaua socială Instagram pentru a descoperi metode de slăbit care funcționează. În plus, acolo găsea oameni obişnuiţi care reuşiseră ceea ce ea doar visa: să slăbească. Poveştile lor o motivau şi acum a ajuns ea să îi motiveze pe alţii. 
Tânăra a fost dependentă de ciocolată și de alte dulciuri, iar consumul excesiv de zahăr i-a triplat greutatea în doar doi ani. Purta haine XXL, iar acum are mărimea europeană 38. 


I had tried dieting many times previously but was never successful. I started to think that I would be overweight for the rest of my life as I was too lazy to change so I always just gave up. People doubting me is what drove me to transform. No one believed I could do it and I wanted to prove them wrong.. so I did. In under 12 months I lost half of my body weight naturally.. so it is possible. I created this account to inspire and motivate others on my journey, sharing what I have done and the challenges I have faced and how to overcome them. Body positive means accepting the body you have and to be comfortable in your own skin, not punishing yourself for looking the way you do. Starting tip: Just do it! Don't give up because you're not seeing rapid progress, take progress pictures... the changes will come believe me!! ❤️❤️ #weightlosstransformation #motivation

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I’ve been reflecting a lot recently on my journey and I’ve realised how much my focus has changed since I started. When I began, all I wanted to do was be thin, to look like @gigihadid , shop in the ‘cool’ clothes stores and wear a bikini. I despised my body and just wanted to change. I now understand the ‘treat your body like a temple’ concept. Throughout my journey, I started to truly love my body, and instead of it being my enemy, I treated it like my best friend. I leant how much my body thrives on delicious nutritious foods, the amazing rush and glow it gets after a workout. Listen to your body and be kind to it, you’ll only ever have the one! #loveyourbody #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #weightlossjourney #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss

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Pentru asta a apelat la două măsuri simple:

1. A petrecut mult timp pe Instagram, admirând şi informându-se de la oameni care deja slăbiseră;
2. A înlocuit dulciurile cu bomboane mentolate; mai precis, de câte ori voia să mănânce ceva cu zahăr, lua o bomboană mentolată, dar cu puţine calorii;

Acum Josephine face şi sport regulat şi a devenit o inspirație pentru alți oameni pe Instagram. Contul ei este urmărit de 139.000 de persoane.
Pentru ziarul britanic The Sun, tânăra a declarat:
„Foloseam Instagram-ul zilnic cu scopul de a găsi soluții și de a slăbi. Îmi plăcea să mă uit la poze cu oameni din totă lumea care au reușit să slăbească. Aceste fotografii mă motivau. Am început să văd ceea ce fac ca pe un stil de viață. Când simțeam că îmi vine să renunț, mă uitam pe Instagram și găseam din nou motivația de care aveam nevoie”.


It’s that time of year where we’re setting goals and making lists. I want you to take a look at your list of goals where you’ve promised yourself ‘new year, new you’ and remember that there was absolutely nothing wrong with you in the first place. Your self-worth isn’t measured by how much you weigh. The best thing you can do for your body is practice mindfulness. Be mindful of what you’re feeding your body. Your body works hard to keep you alive. Do not punish it and starve it. Nourish it with good, healthy food that will benefit your mind, body and soul. Visit healthy habits. Reject diet culture. Eat yourself healthy. This New Year I want you to eat well because you love yourself, not because you hate yourself ❤️ If you’re after some guidance, I have released a menu plan (link in my bio), and have also posted some recipes on you tube and Facebook ????

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