Este o impatimita a fitnessului si o bloggerita de succes, insa criticile au convins-o: nu se mai epileaza

Morgan Mikenas a stat un intreg an fara se epileze, iar rezultatul a devenit viral. In ciuda faptului ca nu oricine poate aprecia ca o femeie sa renunte la acest obicei cosmetic, fotografiile ei au facut furori.

,,Nu conteaza cum te vad altii, conteaza cum te simti tu", a povestit Morgan pe contul sau de Instagram, pentru a-si motiva alegerea.
Acum, tanara spune ca nu va incepe sa se epileze din nou, dupa ce, in trecut, a fost batjocorita pentru ca avea par pe picioare.

Motivand ca epilatul ii lua foarte mult timp, dar si sprijinita de iubitul ei, care spune despre ea ca arata la fel de bine si acum, bruneta a complet: ,,Nu vreau sa fac intreaga omenire sa renunte la epilat."
Morgan face bodybuilding de doi ani si este urmarita de aproape 100 000 de persoane care nu ii pierd din ochi sfaturile de sanatate, nutritie si sport.


"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." ~ Colin Powell???????????? I am so proud of how far I have come. I have consistently been working towards gaining muscle and getting stronger, because for me, it is hard for me to build size/ muscle and always has been. I've never had a booty it's taken me years of lifting to build the booty I have! It has taken consistent hard work and dedication towards living a healthy lifestyle so that these results can last a lifetime, not just a quick fix. Dedication to a healthy lifestyle is associated with increasing our life span, and reducing diseases that can cut our life short. It increases our energy and helps reduce depression and regulates positive thinking. It is SO important to live a positive lifestyle, so we can age gracefully and happily????????I want to help YOU achieve your goals, I want to help you feel the best you can, and become the best you can be!( Email [email protected] if you are interested in starting towards a healthy lifestyle! I do meal plans and workout plans!)????????⚡️ #spreadlove #onelove #physique #consistency #hardwork #goals #fitness #flex #feelgood #healthylifestyle #plantbased #gratitude #namaste #calisthenics #girlswholift #inspireothers #bethechange #inspirationalquotes #progressnotperfection

A post shared by Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie) on


The more I put my vulnerabilities out in the open for everyone to see, the more comfortable I feel in my own skin. The more I accept myself for who I am, the more happier I become. Learning that fitness doesn’t have to look a certain way and embracing being my most authentic self, even if it means being a little different. By showing my body hair I hope to make an impact. Stop listening to the voices that told us our whole life that we need to look a certain way to be valued, respected, attractive or healthy. It's up to every person to decide what makes them feel most comfortable within themselves.???????? We all have our strengths and weaknesses..but that’s not the point. What the point is that each of us are regularly getting our fitness on in a way that works for us and makes us feel good inside and out. There’s no “fit” ideal we’re trying to look like. We’re just doing what we do. And loving it. ???????????? What caused self-doubt for me in the beginning now gives me a great sense of pride, accomplishment and purpose. I am passionate about building a positive body image and ending body-shaming and hope to just make a positive difference. Happy Friday:)☺#bodyhairdontcare #hairywomen #empowerment #fitness #bedifferent #spreadlove #bodypositive #divine #weareone #gratitude #namaste #positivity #inspireothers #selfcare #gains #passion #bethechange #bebold #dreambig #healthyliving #inspiration #freespirit #dedication #hardwork #lifestyle #changetheworld #word #flexfriday #physique #bestself

A post shared by Morgan Mikenas (@i_am_morgie) on

Tu ce parere ai, ai putea face asta? 
  • Este o impatimita a fitnessului si o bloggerita de succes, insa criticile au convins-o: nu se mai epileaza

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