Nu are corpul perfect, dar a devenit un fenomen pe rețelele de socializare. Cum pozează această tânără

În ultima vremea, este tot mai populară mișcarea care încurajează tinerele de pretutindeni să-și iubească și să-și accepte corpul așa cum este el. 

Tag-uri: #yoga #în natura

O femeie din Canada promovează acest curent și sute de mii de persoane din întreaga lume stau zilnic cu ochii pe ea. Au și motive. 

Majoritatea fotografiilor pe care Vaneesa le postează pe contul ei de Instagram sunt realizare în natură. Tânara îmbracă pentru sedintele de yoga pantaloni scurți, sutiene sau costume de gimnastică sau pur și simplu lenjerei intimă.  


Someone asked me the other day why I post in the clothing I do, or why I posted naked shots ( and what does being naked or wearing Leo’s have anything to do with being wild or empowerment) — and it’s simply because that’s what empowers me. ᨏ I don’t expect everyone to see what I see in my posts, or be empowered by what I share. I think it’s amazing when women find what really empowers them and they go after it like wildfire — whatever it is that stirs their soul and has them howling at the moon. I do what I love. ᨏ I am the only person who dictates what I share, wear, what I post, on my page. And that is the same for you. No amount of shaming or trying to tell me to be different then who I am is going to make any changes to that. ᨏ ᨏ ᨏ Wearing @aloyoga ’s new undies ???? so lightweight and so comfortable. I don’t wear underwear but these I make an exception for. #aloyoga #proudofmybody #womenempoweringwomen #thrive #openheart #empowering #yogaflow #dancerpose #yogainspiration #knowyourworth #bewhoyouare #bootyfordays #booty???? #yogabody #ilovemybody

O postare distribuită de V A N E S S A (@rootedinflowing) pe


I am woman. I am me. I am wild. I am comfortable with myself. I embrace all the pieces of me. I am strong. I am sensual. I am passionate. I am empowered. . I hope to inspire and empower you to embrace yourself the same. We deal with enough critiques, opinions, judgment, stress — we don’t need to be at war with ourselves and our bodies either. . This is what the practice is teaching me everyday. I can see myself transforming and shedding un-needed layers. Why do we try to carry so much of the world? Let it fall off and put yourself first — as much as you can and make it a daily routine. . . @aloyoga ♥️ #aloyoga #handstand #inversion #Hollowback #ilovemycurves #yogabody #yogainspiration #yogagram #bodypositivity #knowyourworth #splits

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You’ll find me Where everyone is treated with respect Where everyone is given love Where there is no stigma on the body Where you can be as wild or conservative as you desire — with no judgement from either side You’ll find me where one can dance naked in the rain with no one batting an eye Where our bodies are seen as more then a sexual object Where speaking is a given — you no longer have to sit in silence You’ll find me Walking in my fire — walking tall, walking confident With my humanity and compassion, for all of my wild sisters and brothers . . Top @aloyoga ♥️ . #standingsplit #splits #bodypositivity #ilovemycurves #curvyyoga #bootyfordays #booty???? #bikiniyoga #yogapose #yogaeverywhere #bodypositive #loveyourbody #loveyourself

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Don’t be afraid to tell yourself, I am beautiful. ᨏ I’ve spent so long away from my heart — my body, my home. I’ve unravelled myself, done the work, spent countless days in the shadows bargaining with my soul — only to realize I am everything. My growth has been divine. ᨏ I’ve earned the right to say, I am beautiful. No longer away from my heart — my body, my home. I’ve come back and seen just how beautiful it really is. How much I love it as it is. No changes needed here. I’ll be me. You be you. Tribe of beautiful women, no longer afraid to say how marvellous they really are. ᨏ Outfit @aloyoga #handstand #hollowbody #armbalance #yogainspiration #empoweringwomen #knowyourworth #aloyoga #yogabody

O postare distribuită de V A N E S S A (@rootedinflowing) pe

Peste 150 de mii de oameni îi admiră flexibilitatea pe care o afișează în fotografiile postate pe contul său de Instagram. Chiar dacă are câteva kilograme în plus, tânara este foarte mandră de rotunjimile ei: "Niciodata n-am fost slaba. In partea de sus, corpul meu este foarte ferm si lucrat. De la brau in jos am fost intotdeauna mai plinuta." a spus ea pentru Daily Mail.  

"Mă amuză atunci când oamenii îmi spun că nu am corpul potrivit pentru a mă lăsa fotografiată în aceste poziții sau că n-ar trebui să fac asta pentru că sunt grasă. Mi se pare ridicol. Eu iubesc ceea ce fac și am impresia că ideea de corp perfect a  fost împinsă prea mult în față de-a lungul ultimilor ani." , mărturisește Vanessa în cea mai recentă postare de pe Instagram.


I can’t help but laugh when a comment or DM rolls my way saying “you don’t have the body to be doing this” or “you shouldn’t be doing what you do because you’re fat” I laugh because of how ridiculous that is, that because my body isn’t smaller I shouldn’t be doing what I do — I shouldn’t be doing what I love it makes me see how much the “perfect body” is pushed out into the world — and if you ain’t got it you can’t do anything what a load of BS ???? yeah I have to modify some poses or move some parts of me out of the way in twists or bends so what? It doesn’t stop me, it just means I have to make my practice my own — which is what I think we all should be doing when it comes to what we love. make it our own, make it unique to us — and enjoy the fuck out of it ???? so I write this as a reminder for you all you do not need some perfect body to do what you want to do you just need you regardless of what some are going to say ( and lets face it they say this because they don’t want to see you succeed at something they can’t/don’t want to do) about you trying to do you got this, never let anyone tell you otherwise . #navasana #idontgiveafuck #flexibility #ilovemycurves #bewhoyouare #thrive #hamstringopener #yogainspiration #yogabody #yogapractice @aloyoga ♥️

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