Toata lumea ii admira fizicul ultra tonifiat, dar arata total diferit cand nu se incordeaza. Cum arata trupul femeii

Janelle Flanagan, o mama de 40 de ani din Statele Unite, cu certificare in fitness, a uimit internetul cu imaginile postate pe Instaram. Aparent o femeie ultra tonifiata, Janelle demonstreaza ca muschii si celulita pot coexista in acelasi timp.

Pasionata de fitness, Janelle Flanagan este cat se poate de tonifiata. Nimeni nu poate nega ca are o musculatura evidenta, insa, in acelasi timp, femeia le-a aratat fanilor ca are si colacei pe burtica atunci cand nu sta incordata si celulita pe picioare.


I used to look at that hang, that cellulite and be really upset. 2 years ago I posted it. I believed that someone else had it to. I knew I'd be shunned. People would have something to say. But I felt like I HAD to share it even if only ONE person related to it. I was afraid. And I was afraid because I didn't know how it would be received. There was no one I was following putting anything like it out there. I knew it was me. What I also knew was that I needed that ONE person to relate to ME as much as SHE needed to SEE it. My gut knew it was normal, but my fear was that I would get a lot of heat from it. So when people post their vulnerabilities, know that sometimes WE need YOU as much as YOU need to hear something from us. I'm so grateful to ALL of you. And I try very hard to respond to every single one of you. YOU make it easier to share my truth. So thank you! Xoxo #change #fitmom #fitnessinspiration #thankful

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Janelle a marturisit ca la inceput se simtea jenata de aceste imperfectiuni, insa in prezent le foloseste pentru a le arata femeilor din intreaga lume ca nu exista corpul perfect.


Ever feel like will I EVER look like that? ???? that model, that girl on IG who lost all that weight. What the hell is "that" look anyways? What are WE exactly aiming for? Cause "that" is a frozen STILL image. ????It's a photo in a magazine, a fit model, a photoshopped image or a woman living a very different life. Let's be DONE. Let's NOT compete with society norms. Let's refuse. THIS ????????is what a 50lb weight loss looks like. A mother of 4. A 40 year old woman. This IS determination and a WILL to be better than I was yesterday. Give UP on the "competition" but don't you DARE give up on yourself. Better than yesterday and real as real will ever be. Because THAT is the magic sauce. #sundayvibes #womenempowerment #society #reality #youvsyou

O postare distribuită de JanelledFiT (@janelledfit) pe

"Nu am nevoie de "reparatii". Nu sunt stricata. Poate pare greu pentru altii sa inteleaga ca am zero intentii de a-mi indeparta celulita cu anumite produse. Ce e important pentru mine e sa ma iubesc pe mine insami asa cum sunt", a spus Janelle.


I don't need FIXING. I'm NOT BROKEN. It seems to be super hard for some to understand that I have ZERO intention to try and "remove" my cellulite with products. That it's more important to me to love myself the way I am, as I NATURALLY work on myself. IF the cellulite or ANY "flaw" I have ????changes from EXERCISING. GREAT. If not, also GREAT. Any and every time I post about cellulite, or extra skin, or anything "not stunning" I receive a plethora of messages about wraps, fascia blasting, creams, teas and companies wanting to "give" me their products as an experiment. ???? Why is it socially expectable to bombard someone about looking better at all? If I posted all means..offer me your advice. Is it that hard to believe that I AM ACCEPTING of my body? Are we so programmed to see my flaws and it makes people think I need "fixing"? This is why it's SO much harder for any person to accept their bodies...because someone, some advertising, some company is telling them "there's a fix for that" ????which turns into an internal question: "oh I need to be fixed" NO YOU DON'T. You are amazing as you are. You are more then a body, more then cellulite, more than a number, more then a soft stomach, you are MORE than what people say you NEED, just to line their pockets. Keep your dollar bills ???? Yo. Unless you WANT to go that route. Then by all means. Do your thang. But don't buy into something because someone convinces you that you need to be fixed. Because you are already everything you need. Leave my cellulite alone ???? I don't mind it as much as you do, and my POINT in showing it, is that it's OKAY. #cellulite #effyourbeautystandards #itsallgood

O postare distribuită de JanelledFiT (@janelledfit) pe

  • Toata lumea ii admira fizicul ultra tonifiat, dar arata total diferit cand nu se incordeaza. Cum arata trupul femeii

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