A slăbit 57 de kilograme în 11 luni! Dieta-minune folosită de fosta tenismenă Jelena Dokic

Acum în vârstă de 36 de ani, australianca de origine sârbă Jelena Dokic a fost un nume mare în tenisul feminin la începutul anilor 2000, ajungând chiar pe locul 4 în lume. 

Tag-uri: #Jelena Dokic

Ulterior, ea s-a confruntat cu mari probleme de greutate, dar a reușit să slăbească miraculos, dând jos aproape 60 de kilograme în mai puțin de un an cu ajutorul programului Jenny Craig.

Viața și cariera de sportivă a Jelenei au fost marcate de clipe frumoase, precum semifinala de la Wimbledon din 2000, dar și de episoade extrem de triste, așa cum a fost relația tensionată cu tatăl său, care i-a fost mult timp și antrenor. Supusă la abuzuri fizice și psihice de către Damir Dokic, Jelena a recunoscut ulterior că a avut intenția de a se sinucide.



Transformation!!! This a 6 month progress before and after photo. Over 30 kgs lost and I am half way. My journey continues and I am very happy with what I have been able to achieve so far but there is still a lot of work to be done. I know that getting down to my optimal weight and losing the rest of the weight won’t be easy and it will get tougher from here as I get closer to my goal weight but I am extremely motivated and confident as I know I have @jennycraigausnz by my side and supporting me all the way. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone at @jennycraigausnz .Your support,care and understanding has helped me get this far and I am grateful for everything that the whole team at @jennycraigausnz has done to help me especially in the tough times. It’s a lot more than losing weight but also getting fit,healthy and most importantly happy. Even though I have been on @jennycraigausnz now for 6 months I still can’t believe how great the food is,how easy it is to prepare and having my own consultant is just incredible. @jennycraigausnz has changed my life and I would recommend the @jennycraigausnz program to everyone. Join me on my @jennycraigausnz journey now. Visit @jennycraigausnz or www.jennycraig.com.au now and check out the LINK IN BIO to see more about my weight loss journey. I hope I have given you all some inspiration and motivation no matter what your goals are.It can all be done,just don’t give up and keep believing. ????????????????‍♀️???????????????????????? #jennycraigausnz #jennycraig #myjennycraigjourney #jennycraigjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #transformation #progress #weightlossjourney #health #healthy #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #fitness #inspiration #motivation #healthyfood #healthyeating #australia #melbourne #sydney #inspo #fitspo #healthylife #women #empoweringwomen #weightlossmotivation #lookoftheday #weightlossinspiration #inspire

A post shared by JELENA DOKIC ???????????????????????? (@dokic_jelena) on


După ce s-a retras din tenis, în 2014, Jelena Dokic a început progresiv să ia în greutate și a devenit în câțiva ani supraponderală, cântărind aproape 120 de kilograme. Evident, acest aspect de ordin fizic i-a influențat și psihicul, ea intrând din nou în depresie. „Nu mai voiam să ies din casă, eram nesigură și nefericită”, a mărturisit australianca.




Progress!!!???????? I thought I would brave the judgment,negativity and scrutiny that sometimes comes with being in the public eye and on social media and put myself and my struggles out there and hopefully inspire,motivate and help others,especially women. The photo on the left and the start of my weight loss journey is a hard one to post and look at.I was unhealthy and unfit but even more importantly I was so unhappy,with no confidence.I didn’t want to go out of the house and I even turned down work opportunities because I was so insecure and unhappy. That’s where @jennycraigausnz comes in and they have changed my life.I didn’t know what I was in for when I first tried the program but very quickly I discovered just how easy and convenient it is and just how tasty the food is.I love the fact that my food portions are all set with almost no prep time and more than 70 menu items to choose from without jeopardising my weight loss. My favourite part is having my own consultant who I get to see once a week and who supports me every step of the way.That support has been life changing.Not just from my consultant but from the whole team at @jennycraigausnz . That is what I love the most with @jennycraigausnz ,it’s a team effort and you feel like you are a part of the family and you are all on the weight loss journey together. It’s not just about weight loss either but about having a healthy and balanced lifestyle and developing healthy but sustainable habits for the rest of your life. While I don’t want to talk about the kilos too much,I have lost almost 20 kilos between the 2nd and 3rd picture alone.All due to @jennycraigausnz and their incredible Rapid Results program. I hope I can inspire and motivate you all.No matter what you are trying to achieve,IT CAN BE DONE.I am half way on my weight loss journey and very excited about what is ahead. Thank you @jennycraigausnz . #jennycraigausnz #fitnessmotivation #myjennycraigjourney #weightlossjourney #weightloss #journey #weightlosstransformation #transformation #progress #fitness #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #inspiration #motivation #healthyfood #jennycraig #australia #inspo #fitspo #inspo #healthylife #women

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Din fericire, Jelena Dokic a găsit antidotul kilogramelor în plus, drept dovadă stând ultimele fotografii postate de ea pe rețelele de socializare. Aflată în vacanță în Croația, Jelena și-a etalat silueta, în bikini, lucru inimaginabil cu un an în urmă. Conform fostei tenismene, ea a reușit într-o perioadă de 11 luni să scape de 57 de kilograme, o performanță cu totul remarcabilă.



În afara unui program strict de exerciții fizice la sala de fitness, Jelena Dokic a folosit dieta personalizată oferită de programul de slăbire Jenny Craig. Este vorba despre un regim alimentar sănătos, bazat pe moderație, și care presupune porționarea meselor și respectarea numărului zilnic de calorii permise.

De asemenea, programul Jenny Craig impune congelarea produselor alimentare înainte ca acestea să fie consumate. Specialiștii spun că respectarea cu strictețe a unei asemenea diete garantează o slăbire treptată, media fiind de 3 kilograme pe săptămână.

Intra în GALERIA FOTO de mai jos că să vezi ținutele cu care face furori pe Instagram.

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