Cine spune că sirenele nu există. O femeie din Australia i-a uimit pe toți cu spectacolele ei subacvatice

Hannah Mermaid este o apariție fabuloasă care te duce imediat cu gândul la poveștile cu prinți și sirene. Artista, în vârstă de 46 de ani, a impresionat o lume întreagă cu dansurile ei subacvatice printre balene.

Pe numele său real, Hannah Fraser, artista își creează propriile cozi de sirene și participă la tot felul de spectacole sub apă. Pe la vârsta de 35 de ani a fost invitată să lucreze chiar și la acvariul din Sydney, unde înota alături de viețuitorele marine. Dansurile sale printre balene și diavolii de mare au devenit virale pe internet. 


???? THE WORK - the true measure of our work is not how we show up in our highest, but rather how we show up in our lowest. When it feels like our world is in chaos, when our backs are against the wall, when our minds are spinning with confusion, anxiety and stress, when we feel the walls are closing in and and there is no immediate light at the end of the tunnel….here is where we see the true measure of the internal work we have done. Do we let panic take hold, retreat and cower, seek to blame, hoard for ourselves, and let fear take full control of our very being…or….do we show up, and I mean really show up, with fierce spirits and a generous hearts, bringing strength, support and healing to our communities. It is times like these that we truly test our work, in fact these are some of the greatest reasons for our work. We do not always get to choose WHAT happens to us, but we do get to choose HOW we show up for it. Choose courage, choose compassion, choose love, choose empathy, choose the present and choose to show up for the work. Words & photo from @shawnheinrichs . Model @hannahmermaid . . #bethechange #lightonecandle #humblewarrior #onlyone - #hannahmermaid #hannahfraser #shawnheinrichs #whaleshark #model #connect #lovetheocean

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Fascinată în copilărie de sirene, ea și-a creat singură prima coadă la vârsta de 9 ani. Hannah a doborât și câteva recorduri, fiind prima persoană care a dansat cu rechinii tigru pe fundul oceanului, fără echipament de scufundare.

În prezent, Hannah locuiește în California, dar călătorește peste tot în lume. Ea se implică în campanii pentru protejarea oceanelor și a animalelor. De asemenea, ea predă lecții de dans sub apă, în costum de sirenă.  


Remember Atlantis Retreat 2020 in Bali @rememberatlantis ***UPDATED***RETREAT DATES: SEPT 14TH - 20TH 2020 . Info/Register . Join us on a transformational adventure in paradise! Creating a retreat like no other, we combined the elements of our greatest passions of underwater training & sacred dance together. The aspects of the mermaid & the temple dancer are ancient archetypes of the divine feminine. These two elements are the foundations of embodiment practices. All aspects of this retreat were designed to nourish your body, mind & soul. . Held at a private Eco-retreat center on the beachfront jungle in Bali **All levels of experience welcome** Study with Ocean conservationist Hannah Mermaid & Aradia Julia Sunseri of “Ritual Movement Arts”™ . Activism, Myth, & Magic : We believe a ‘Mer-Maid’ is truly a ‘Servant of The Sea’, as the temple dancer is the fully embodied “Water Priestess.” When healing oneself, you heal the world. Dive into the sacred arts of temple fusion belly dance & women’s vitality practices. Awaken to your full body’s bliss! Through sacred dance we access more of our intuition & sensuality. As sovereign, sensual women it’s our birthright to feel & express ourselves fully, without shame or conformity. We are healing & inspiring one another to rise up & share our gifts on this planet. This Retreat empowers women to use their skills, passion & beauty. Become a voice for the animals that cannot speak for themselves. We are committed to Ocean Conservation as part of our mission! Retreat includes : * Accommodation (7 nights) at Tropical Resort in Bali * 3 Vegetarian Meals per day * Sacred Dance Training * Yoga, Meditation and Women’s Vitality Practices * Underwater Pool & Ocean Mermaid Training * Ocean Adventure * Mertailor Mermaid Tails By Eric Ducharme *Professional Mermaid Photos * Dive/ Snorkle Adventure * Walk to the Beach * Dream Journal * Airport pick-up & drop off . #Hannahmermaid #rememberatlantis #mermaidschool #dance #retreat #swim #mermaid #freedive #traveladventure #workshop #mermaidtail #ritualmovementarts

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Sursă foto: Instagram hannahmermaid,

Vezi și: Ferma. In plus, episodul 7: Detaliile mai puțin știute despre George Burcea. “A trecut prin momente foarte grele”

  • Cine spune că sirenele nu există. O femeie din Australia i-a uimit pe toți cu spectacolele ei subacvatice

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