A fost declarata cea mai frumoasa femeie din lume dupa un final controversat. Cum arata Miss Filipine intr-o zi normala

Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach a castigat Miss Universe in urma cu cateva zile, la finalul unui concurs controversat, in care prezentatorul a facut o greseala majora, anuntand o alta invingatoare.

Inainte de a i se oferi coroana de invingatoare pentru Miss Filipine, Steve Harvey, prezentatorul show-ului, a anuntat ca Miss Columbia a castigat Miss Universe, eroarea fiind indreptata dupa cateva minute.

Dupa acest incident, retelele de socializare s-au umplut de numeroase mesaje negative la adresa lui Steve Harvey, iar actuala Miss Universe a tinut sa ia atitudine in fata celor care l-au acuzat pe prezentator.

"Catre toti fanii... Opriti-va acum. Organizatia Miss Universe are puterea de a uni femeile puternice din toata lumea. Sa va certati si sa trimiteti mesaje urate nu apara aceasta idee", a scris vedeta pe contul de Instagram.


#Repost @missuniverse ・・・ Wow. Words can't describe how grateful I am for this. It was quite a journey getting here with 3 attempts at winning Miss Philippines. Now, I finally got the best Christmas gift ever – and not just for me, for my country. I'd like to say thank you to everyone who believed in my potential and those who supported me from the beginning. To everyone who voted for me, especially to my fellow countrymen, thank you. Maraming salamat po sa inyong lahat. To Ariadna, you are an amazing woman and we are now bonded together forever by a unique experience. In the last 3 weeks we were together, I saw how strong and beautiful you are inside and out. You represented your country with honor and I know how proud everyone must be of you. Fate has a plan for you, and I’m excited to see what’s ahead. And to all the fans who are still fighting about this…Please let's all stop now. The Miss Universe Organization is about uniting empowered women from all over the world. Arguing and sending hateful messages to each other defeats the whole purpose. You believe in the message of Miss Universe and so do I. Again, thank you for the love. I'm excited to begin my duties as Miss Universe and I wish everyone, all the contestants and all the supporters a great holiday with their loved ones. Happy Holidays and let's look forward to a great start to the new year! #

Momentul stanjenitor a tinut primele pagini ale publicatiilor mondene, iar jurnalistii au "vanat" reactiile celor doua participante, incercand mai ales sa afle cum se simte Miss Columbia dupa dezamagirea pe care a trait-o pe scena celebrului concurs de frumusete.

Imediat dupa incheierea transmisiunii live, ea a fost filmata facand o declaratie emotionanta, care a ajutat-o sa capate si mai multa popularitate si prin care a demonstrat ca este o femeie in adevaratul sens al cuvantului: "Totul se intampla cu un motiv. Eu sunt fericita pentru ceea ce am reusit si pentru ca am trait acest vis. Va multumesc pentru tot, multumesc ca m-ati votat", a spus ea.

  • A fost declarata cea mai frumoasa femeie din lume dupa un final controversat. Cum arata Miss Filipine intr-o zi normala

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