Bustul ultra generos i-a adus celebritatea, iar acum se plange ca a devenit cosmar. Cum arata tanara cu sani de 5 kg

Lindsey Pelas este urmarita de 6.7 milioane de fani pe Instagram. Blonda voluptoasa se straduieste sa le pastreze interesul pozand in ipostaze cat mai fierbinti. 

Tanara in varsta de 26 de ani spune ca sanii ei sunt naturali, mostenire genetica si cantaresc impreuna 5 kilograme. Blonda sexy este nevoita sa-si faca sutiene pe comanda. 
Desi barbatii viseaza la ea si multe femei o invidiaza, Lindsey spune ca ceea ce pentru altii este un dar, pentru ea este un cosmar.


Cheers to a little home gym action on a Fridayyyyyy. Super pleased to announce the rosé weight I thought I gained on vacation was merely a facade. Women tend to retain more water than men and one reason for that is our difference in hormones. I personally can eat a bowl of ramen at any moment and look like I'm carrying twins just from the salt. It's insane. I really love that @1stphorm considers women's needs and created products like the M-Factor Goddess. It's made with women in mind and gives the necessary nutrients to eliminate any vitamin deficiencies and give me the extra energy I need to conquer the gym and my day. There's even a special one made for the boys too ;) ???? #1stphorm #legionofboom #itwasntababyitwaschardonnay #thankgod

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Tanara se plange ca nu mai poate face nici sport din cauza greutatii bustului. Blonda, care a pozat in repetate randuri in reviste pentru barbati, se plange si de faptul ca lumea o judeca pentru ca are sanii prea mari. Ea a postat recent pe Instagram o fotografie in care poarta colanti si o bustiera neincapatoare, descrisa astfel: "Am o extresie fericita chiar si atunci cand am dureri. E interesant cum oamenii te vad ca persoana, daca ai un bust generos. In acest moment ma doare spatele de innebunesc."  le-a marturist ea fanilor. 


Doing my best sweet and innocent face when I'm in pain. Haha. It's crazy how being busty can make people see your personality so differently. Speaking of busty, also crazy how bad my back hurts right now. Working out with roughly 11 pounds on my chest (yea I got bored one day) is really trying on my back. I have trouble keeping my body squared when stretching and I find I pull from my back (like many) when I need help pushing a weight. Stretching, massages and a nice new bed are helping to keep me pain-free. Implementing my @1stphorm supplements are also crucial to keeping my body strong and on top. I take my M-Factor capsules every day-they're filled with vitamins & nutrients, a super-food antioxidant complex, an energy complex and special goddess health complex suited for women. (I posted a list of ingredients in my story) Feeling good starts from the inside. Check out the M-Factor Hero for men, too ???? #1stphorm

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Fanii de pe retelele de socializare au sfatuit-o sa-si faca operatie de micsorare a sanilor.  In ciuda durerilor pe care le acuza, blonda sexy nu conteneste sa se se laude pe Instagram cu darul primit de la Mama Natura.



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Uno mas ????????????

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Happy #FatTuesday y'all! ✨????????????????????

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???? @leahdarcymakeup @kylehennessyhair

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