Corpul sau de dupa sarcina ii aduce succes. Cum arata femeia care face avere cu vergeturile pe care le are dupa nastere

Summers Vonhesse este tanara mama care castiga sume fabuloase de pe urma...vergeturilor sale. Mai exact, femeia a nascut, iar semnele ramase pe corpul ei nu o fac sa se ascunda, ba chiar ise expune in totalitate.

Summers nu are deocamdata un job stabilit, insa la cat de mult succes au fotografiile ei, nici nu va avea nevoie de unul prea curand. Mai ales ca "afacerea" este intretinuta in familie, fotograf fiindu-i chiar sotul. Femeia, mama a doi copii, isi posteaza fotografiile pe o platforma online, unde utilizatorii platesc intre 5 si 50 de dolari ca sa poata vedea o imagine.


Little thunder in your thighs because where there's thunder there is lightening and everyone loves a good storm???? .....????this shot by my friend @getateric I really wanted to wear some jean shorts because it was something I was always insecure about! I grew up in the 90's a time of Abercrombie adds in a all white German area. Everyone I went to school with was thin. I was thick and curvy. I never felt like I was entitled to wear shorts because my thighs touched. It wasn't until I was 30 yrs old that I legit bought my first pair of jean shorts to wear. And that's a shame. The feeling of sunshine on my skin is so precious to me. If I could go back and tell my younger self anything it would be to never live a second of your life different than you want because you are concerned what others may think. Life is too short and those that have energy in their hearts to spend time doing anything other than lifting others up are sad people. They need some love and light in their lives. Do you, and those that are also full of heart and confidence will be attracted to you, that's what you want in your life anyhow.

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These stripes are my story, the weathering of my body over time. It's nothing more nothing less. There are so many factors that go into why some get them and others don't. I used to see these petite mom's with 5 kids that still looked like they are 15 yrs old and wonder what I did wrong. Some of that is genetics, some of it how wide my hips already were. A million factors...none I could have controlled. They hardly phase me anymore, hell somtimes I think they almost look artistic. What I do know for sure is that they are 100% like this beautiful wooden fence here, they tell a story, with grit and character. And I look at them that way, like the rest of my body. And how I look at every human being I meet inside and out. It makes the world a much more beautiful place????love the story of your body

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Summers spune ca isi doreste ca cei doi copii ai sai sa creasca iubindu-si corpul si simtindu-se bine in pielea lor, dar si ca venitul pe care il are din aceasta activitate, in jur de 5000 de dolari pe luna, o ajuta sa isi intretina familia, alaturi de sotul sau.

Femeia are 30 de ani si spune ca nu a avut niciodata un job, iar ca pe sumele castigate acum depasesc nevoile pe care le are, faptul ca se fotografiaza fiind si un hobby.

  • Corpul sau de dupa sarcina ii aduce succes. Cum arata femeia care face avere cu vergeturile pe care le are dupa nastere

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