Craig David e de nerecunoscut! Starul a devenit un fanatic al fitnessului si e un pachet de muschi. Uite transformarea

A disparut de ceva vreme din topurile muzicale, insa nu si din sala de antrenament. Craig David arata complet diferit fata de cum arata in 2007.

Craig David e o adevarata aparitie pe Instagram. Daca nu i-ar fi scris numele acolo insa, putini l-ar recunoaste. Starul R&B isi umfla acum muschii pe retelele de socializare si are in "playlist" numai "refrene" motivationale.

"Una dintre cele mai bune modalitati de a te ajuta pe tine insuti este sa ramai concentrat in zilele cand te simti slab, sa iti pui in jurul tau lucruri care sa-ti aminteasca sa ramai focusat, sa te aduca inapoi la realitate, inainte sa faci ceva ce mai tarziu ai putea regreta. In cazul meu, cand ma antrenez din greu si intru in faza in care tai caloriile, stiu ca vor exista momente cand voi vrea sa mananc ciocolata, mai ales in avion, cand zbor din Miami in Europa", spunea el la un moment dat.


Some people like to talk with no action, some people like to dream, but don't believe they have what it takes to achieve what others may think is impossible, some people like the ideology of change, but aren't willing to see it through nor ready to endure the sweat & tears needed to bring the idea to a reality! Well now's that time to shoulder barge your fears & follow that intuitive voice inside that's been saying to you for so long now....go make it happen and take what's yours!!! No more BS, No more talk, just pure Belief, Action & Focus! You ready? I'm ready...!! Let's do this!!! #NewMusic #NewFlow #Motivation #Power #CraigDavid #NewAlbum #FollowingMyIntuition #EatCleanTrainDirty #SkysTheLimit #NoFear #NoExcuses #JustDoIt #RnB

A photo posted by Craig David (@craigdavid) on

"Si atunci ma uit la aceasta fotografie pe telefon... o am salvata in folderul "Ramai concentrat", care imi aduce mereu aminte sa revin pe drumul meu, pentru ca imi aminteste cat de bine ma simt cand imi ating telul si nu imi ascult "vechea slabiciune interioara", care incearca sa imi aduca aminte cum eram candva. Credeti-ma, functioneaza!!! Cand vad aceasta poza, vocea interioara imi spune: Nu mai fi slab si revino-ti, ai mai facut asta, o poti face din nou. Booom! Iar asta ma readuce pe drumul cel bun si imi pot atinge telul", a adaugat el.


Respect to everyone who's making positive changes in their life! To all of you that have realised that a change was needed and instead of pushing it back to the next day and the next day & so on...backed it with action, drive and passion & now feel so much better for it! Getting healthy was one of the biggest lifestyle changes I made & I know all of you out there who have also made this change will agree with me how amazing it feels to be more energised & alive everyday & the positive impact it has in all areas of your life. Nothing better than knowing YOU have the ability of shaping not only your body, but your life in a positive way by the decisions and actions YOU make. Sending you all my positive energy for the week ahead! #Respect #Decisions #Actions #Positive #Change #Focus #Health #EatCleanTrainDirty #Dedication #Energy #Recording #Creativity #New #Music

A photo posted by Craig David (@craigdavid) on

Daca la inceputul anilor 2000 Craig David isi dorea ca toata lumea sa ii asculte muzica si sa fie cunoscut in showbizul international, acum locuieste in Miami, unde este designer de camere de hotel si traieste pe picior mare. Iata cum s-a schimbat:


One of the best ways to help yourself stay focused throughout those days when you feel a little weak or lost is to put little reminders around you to help bring you back to the present moment and focus you before you do something you'll look back on and regret. In this case when I'm training hard and about to start my cutting phase where calories are reduced and I know there will be moments where I'll wanna eat every chocolate bar in my cupboard or especially when travelling on planes back and forth from Miami to Europe all the time...I just go to this photo on my phone...under the folder "Stay Focused" which reminds me instantly to get back on track and in this case reminds me how good it feels when I achieve my goal and don't listen to my "old inner weakness" voice trying to remind me of how I used to be! Trust me it works!!! All I hear inside when I see this photo is..... Stop being weak and fix've done it before, you can do it again! Booom! This quickly throws me back on course and on to completing my goal. This is one of the photos for my fitness goals, but I have the same reminders in picture form for motivating me in the studio with my music, making time for my friends when it's easy to get caught up in work and pictures of things that really matter to me in my life. All designed to focus me back in to the present moment. You should do the same if it helps you stay on course to achieving your goals and btw the photo can be of anything that just shifts your attention back in line with where it should be...believe you've already achieved it and it will manifest! #Truth #Present #Awareness #Goals #Reminder #Focus #Believe #Health #Gym #Ripped #Abs #Life #HelpingEachOther #eatcleantraindirty

A photo posted by Craig David (@craigdavid) on

  • Craig David e de nerecunoscut! Starul a devenit un fanatic al fitnessului si e un pachet de muschi. Uite transformarea

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