Dupa ce a sustinut toata viata ca nu vrea sa aiba copii, Cameron Diaz a ramas insarcinata la 45 de ani

De-a lungul anilor, de fiecare data cand a fost intrebata daca isi doreste sa devina mama, Cameron a raspuns ca isi iubeste viata exact asa cum este. Totusi, se pare ca actrita si-a schimbat parerea dupa ce s-a casatorit. 

Dupa 3 ani de cand s-a casatorit cu Benji Madden, Cameron Diaz si-a schimbat conceptia despre o familie completa si fericita. Dupa ce a incercat in repetate randuri sa raman insarcinata, vedeta a inceput sa manance cat mai sanatos si a apelat apoi la fertilizarea in vitro, care se pare ca a avut succes.

Desi inca nu a facut public marele anunt si incearca sa isi camufleze burta cu haine largi, cele mai recente fotografii facute de paparazzi au reusit sa o dea de gol. Cameron si Benji vor deveni parinti anul acesta si sunt mai fericiti ca niciodata, asta dupa ce s-a zvonit ca artistul s-ar fi apropiat prea mult de cantareata Jessie J in 2017. Se spune chiar ca actrita si-a dorit acest copil in speranta ca se vor apropia din nou si vor reusi sa isi salveze casnicia. 

Pana sa ramana insarcinata, Cameron nu excludea posibilitatea de a adopta un copil. Se pare ca cei doi doi si-ar fi dorit un baiat. 


#CameronDiaz and #BenjiMadden Are Finally Pregnant: "They Couldn’t Be Happier”:: " For years Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden were ready to become parents, but it just wasn’t happening. “Cameron’s struggles to conceive haven’t been easy,” an insider told In Touch. “There were some really tough times when she thought motherhood maybe just wasn’t in the cards for her, but she never gave up hope that someday she would become a mom.” Now her dreams are finally coming true! Three years after marrying the Good Charlotte rocker, Cameron, 45, is expecting her first child with Benji, 38. “Cameron finally has reason to celebrate! The IVF worked — she’s pregnant,” the insider continued “They have a baby on the way, and they couldn’t be happier.” Now comes the best part, the insider said, “sharing the news with friends and family and getting the nursery ready.” They feel incredibly blessed after trying unsuccessfully to conceive for so long. “Cameron was super healthy, had the best doctors — and still, nothing. There were a lot of tears,” the insider added. “Thank God for Benji, who was always very supportive. He didn’t care how they had a baby — he was determined to make Cameron a mom.” They’d explored other options, including surrogacy and adoption, the insider explained, “and then it just happened. Cameron’s pinching herself.” Cameron and Benji haven’t wasted any time prepping for baby. “The nursery is almost done. They’ve been working on baby names for a while now, so they’re all set in that department but won’t be telling anyone until the baby comes,” a source revealed. “Cameron’s also not sharing the baby’s gender just yet, but everyone thinks it will be a boy because [Maryland native] Benji has been super excited about adding Baltimore Orioles items to the nursery. Of course, Benji would do that even if it was a girl, so who knows,” the insider said." Via @lifeandstyleweekly

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In trecut, Cameron spunea, de cate ori avea ocazia, faptul ca nu isi doreste sa devina mama: “copiii iti schimba radical viata, iar eu imi iubesc viata asa cum este ea. Nu doar copiii iti aduc fericire si implinire” si “femeile se tem sa spuna ca nu doresc sa aiba copii. Totusi, eu am mai multe prietene fara copii si, sincer, nu cred ca avem nevoie de mai multi copii. Sunt suficienti deja pe planeta”. Aceasta era parerea lui Cameron despre copii cu cativa ani inainte sa isi intalneasca jumatatea. 

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