Ea este cea mai fit mama din lume! A nascut 5 copii in 6 ani si arata incredibil!

Simone Gateley este instructor de fitness si blogger. Dupa ce a devenit faimoasa cu fotografiile pe care le posteaza pe Instagram, tanara s-a lovit de un val de critici din partea altor mame

Femeia in varsta de 35 de ani are cinci copii sub 10 ani, cel mai mic dintre ei avand 3 ani. Tanara care isi imparte timpul intre sala si copiii sai, patru fete si un baietel, are un corp de adolescenta, super lucrat si fara pic de celulita.


Felul in care arata i-a adus invidia multor alte mame.  "Este imposibil sa fi nascut de 5 ori in 6 ani sa arati asa!", i-au scris doamnele pe Instagram, unde este urmarita de 40 de mii de persoane. 

"Sunt la fel ca celelalte mame!", se apara femeia care spune ca nu s-a abatut niciodata de la regimul de viata sanatos. Simone a dezvaluit ca dupa fiecare sarcina si-a recapatat silueta in decurs de maximum 3 luni, mancand sanatos si facand exercitii fizice. 

In ciuda acuzatiilor ca ar fi folosit mame surogat sau adoptia , tanara insista ca felul in care arata este doar rezultatul efortului depus. 


Hydration is key I use @womensbest pre booster workout drink. After having 5 children ???????????????????? in 6 years it was never easy to lose the weight and tone up especially the tummy area ????. I have been asked to share my daily food intake to show the kind of foods that I eat to try and stay in shape and give me energy and also to share my workout routine ???? I will post my full routine this week I firstly want to give you guys some motivational tips. ???? Firstly I want to say it is never ever as easy process no matter how easy people may make it look. Starting out is always the hardest point!!! Here are a couple of exercise and motivation tips...(I will upload different ones regularly) ????⌨ 1) Even if you don't feel like exercising get dressed as though you intend to exercise and then see how you feel.???? Then make a decision once your dressed for it (most times you will end up doing the exercise)???? 2) Try and walk as much as you can it's easier on the body and helps you build up fitness ???? 3) Set goals fine a goal that motivates you it can be anything from how your clothes fit to wanting to feel happy on holiday etc.???? 4) Always try and get a friend to join you it will keep you on track.???? 5) Use my fitness pal app where you can monitor and track your progress.???? My daily exercise will vary day to day month to month I don't like getting bored but I also have to work it round the children so I am limited to what I can do and when. My food also varies I don't have a set diet as such and I often eat out and eat nice foods and big portions! It's all about balance. ???????????? Food and exercise routine to follow soon ???? #womensbest #workout #bodygoals #body #motivation #transformation #diet #exercise #fitfam #fitspo #blogger #fitness #weightloss #gains #fitmom #fitmum #bbg #bikinibody #model #swimwear #fitgirls #girlswholift #abs #6pack #fitnessmodel #booty #mealplan #fitchicks #healthy #gymbunny

O postare distribuită de Simone Gately Official (@simonegatelyfitmum5) pe

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