Faptul ca se pozeaza mereu din spate a ajutat-o sa devina faimoasa pe internet. Vezi cum arata posteriorul acestei femei

O tanara de 27 de ani din Australia a reusit sa cucereasca internetul pozandu-si posteriorul. Femeia are propria afacere cu costume de baie, iar fotografiile din spate reprezinta strategia ei de promovare a produselor sexy pentru plaja.

Karina Irby este blonda si are forme ce par ireale, care au ajutat-o sa devina faimoasa pe internet. In plus afacerea ei cu costume de baie a inflorit peste noapte dupa ce a inceput sa isi promoveze creatiile si sa se pozeze in ipostaze sexy. In prezent, contul ei de Instagram este urmarit de peste 736.000 de persoane, iar pozele cu posteriorul ei bombat ajung sa stranga in medie 40.000 de like-uri.

Ba mai mult, tanara da sfaturi despre cum iti poti ascunde celulita, folosindu-te de lumina naturala sau chiar de programele de editate foto.  


Which do you prefer? Natural or self marketing Instagirl Edit? I know I’ve touched on this once before but I think it’s so important to bring awareness and reality to social media for young girls. Every day I see overly edited images from personal pages and business pages. Along with those “perfect” images comes a flood of women comparing themselves to a retouched image and tagging friends. From time to time I go out of my way to read these comments and go as far as visiting those girls profiles who are putting themselves down. They are always such beautiful, unique women and I wish that they would see that too. So I had some spare time and decided to retouch my bikini photo and copy the “look” I see flooding your Instagram feed. Heres what I did???????? - Removed my eczema scars - Removed cellulite - Dramatically skin smoothed my body - Sucked in my waisted - Redesigned and sculpted my booty - Pushed my booty up - Thinned out my thighs, arms and neck - Made my hair bigger - Pushed my jaw line up - Added a glowing filter, twice - Narrowed my shoulders It’s a lot of effort, huh!? Seems crazy. But what’s crazier is that we all fall into the trap. It’s marketing and it gets us! I want to make cellulite, big booty’s, uneven skin and personality something to be looked up to! BUT I NEED YOUR HELP ???????????????????????? You need to love yourself. Every single inch and flaunt exactly what you go. Mind, body and soul! I’m not perfect, I do t want to be. I’m so much more than my Instagram posts. Just like everyone! Unique is better. Unique is power. Lumps, bumps and all???? @MOANA_BIKINI???? #FLAWSANDALL

A post shared by KARINA IRBY (@karinairby) on

Karina este o adevarata sursa de inspiratie pentru multe femei. Tanara posteaza periodic material video cu exercitiile fizice pe care le face si care o ajuta sa isi mentina formele de invidiat, demonstrand faptul ca nu este nevoie de interventia unui chirurg plastician pentru a avea un posterior bombat. 

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