Fiicele lui Demi Moore sunt lipsite de inhibitii. S-au pozat goale in cada!

Cea mai mica dintre fiicele lui Demi Moore, Tallulah, in varsta de 23 de ani, s-a dovedit a fi si cea mai indrazneata dintre ele. Vedeta a postat pe contul ei de instragram o imagine indecenta in care apare alaturi de surorile ei. 

Tallulah (23 de ani) s-a lasat fotografiata dezbracata alaturi de cele doua surori mai mari, Rumer (29 ani) si Scout (26 de ani) in timp ce faceau baie in aceeasi cada. Tanara a considerat ca aceasta fotografie poate fi facuta publica, asa ca a postat-o pe contul ei de Instagram si a fost apreciata de peste 12.000 de persoane. 



A post shared by tallulah (Youthful Slimelord) (@buuski) on

Cei care ii urmaresc profilul au fost incantati de fotografie, iar unul dintre fani chiar a venit cu propria sugestie: “ar trebui sa refaceti poza asta la fiecare 10 ani”. 


I love my 3 sisters!!!! #jenjenandcappy ????✨????????????

A post shared by tallulah (Youthful Slimelord) (@buuski) on


3 years ago I was a malnourished string bean with aches that echoed throughout my soul. However the internal cries to tend my most blistered and deep wounds repeatedly fell on deaf ears. I did not value myself, my life or my body and as such I was constantly punishing for not being enough. Self annihilation fueled with medicating left me a shell, and the world on mute. I was hoisted from my hole, (one so deep I was certain we were nearing the Earths magma core) on the backs of powerful human beings that I will forever be indebted too, and on that day my life was gifted back to me. I love the girl in this picture, I cry for her and I mourn her lost years. She is inside of me always and I must never let her slip too far. I don't push any agenda, I can only speak for my path and staying sober has been far and beyond the most important thing I've done in my wee 23 years. ????????????

A post shared by tallulah (Youthful Slimelord) (@buuski) on

Tallulah este cea mai rebela dintre fiicele lui Demi Moore cu Bruce Willis. In 2014 ea s-a internat la reabilitare pentru a scapa de dependentele de droguri si alcool. Se pare ca problemele mezinei familiei au aparut dupa despartirea parintilor ei, Tallulah fiind extrem de afectata. In vara acestui an, tanara a sarbatorit 3 ani de cand a scapat de dependetele care ar fi putut sa-i distruga viata.

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