In prezent este o superba femeie, dar s-a nascut baiat. Vezi cum arata inainte sa isi modifice trasaturile

Munroe Bergdorf are 30 de ani si a revolutionat industria beauty, fiind primul transgender ambasador al une campanii lansate de un brand celebru cu produse de makeup. Desi s-a nascut baiat, de la 18 ani traieste ca o femeie si recent a apelat la o operatie de feminizare a trasaturilor faciale. Acum nu mai spui ca a fost barbat vreodata!

Tag-uri: #Munroe Bergdorf

Munroe a trait ca baiat pana la 18 ani si era cunoscuta drept Ian. Dupa majorat, si-a schimbat radical viata, a inceput sa urmeze un tratament hormonal, sa faca modeling si sa traiasca precum o femeie. 


So, I wanted to be the first to tell you all. Three weeks ago I underwent Facial Feminisation Surgery (FFS), which consisted of multiple surgeries to feminise my facial features and help bring them into harmony with how I see myself on the inside. This is surgery that I've waited for and desperately wanted for over seven years and I can't tell you how much of a weight has been lifted as a result. Like many trans people, gender dysphoria is something that I have battled with throughout my transition. I made this decision by myself, for myself, so that I can start the next chapter of my life. Surgery is a personal choice, not all trans people want surgery, not all trans people need or have the medical access to surgery, but it was the right decision for me and I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been able to make such a decision. Thank you Dr Bart Van De Ven and @2passclinic in Antwerp for making me feel so comfortable and at ease throughout the whole process and recovery. I'll never forget your kindness and support, thank you to the whole team. Now for the next chapter. First stop, New York City! ✈️???? Munroe ????????// ???? @dimitristheocharis Makeup @giselle_makeup Hair @edmundbossmanhair Stylist @jeanpaulpaula

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Totusi, Munroe nu era multumita de trasaturile ei mult prea masculine. Dupa ce a asteptat timp de 7 ani, si-a facut curaj si s-a operat. A optat pentru o procedura de feminizare faciala, care consta in multiple operatii care au aveau scopul de a-i indulci trasaturile, astfel incat exteriorul sau sa fie in armonie cu modul in care se simtea pe interior. 

In prezent, Munroe este de nerecunoscut si nu mai aminteste cu nimic de baiatul Ian. Cei care nu ii stiu trecutul, nici ca ar avea vreun motiv sa banuiasca faptul ca s-a nascut barbat. 

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