Jim Carrey are o viata de cosmar! A fost acuzat de omor din culpa. Afla ce decizie a luat instanta. Va face inchisoare?

Din 2015, Jim Carrey traieste un adevarat cosmar. Atunci, iubita de care se despartise cu putin timp in urma, si-a luat viata cu o supradoza de medicamente, iar parintii acesteia l-au dat in judecata, acuzandu-l pe actor ca el i-ar fi facut rost de pastile.

Jim Carrey s-a iubit cu make-up artistul Cathriona White din 2012 pana in 2015, dar relatia lor a fost una tumultoasa. In 2015, actorul a decis ca relatia lor sa ia sfarsit, asta dupa ce tanara, cu 26 de ani mai mica decat el, l-a acuzat ca i-a  dat o boala cu transmitere sexuala. Tanara redactase si o scrisoare din care reiesea ca era in depresie si in care mentiona ca actorul ar fi imbolnavit-o de herpes genital si cu virusul HPV. Cathriona considera ca relatia cu Jim a distrus-o: “m-ai expus drogurilor, prostituatelor, abuzurilor psihice si bolilor. Ai facut si lucruri bune pentru mine, dar relatia cu tine m-a distrus ca persoana, Jim. M-ai abandonat dupa ce ai obtinut tot ce era mai bun din mine“, a scris tanara inainte de a-si lua viata.


#JimCarrey files a cross-complaint against ex girlfriend! The 55-year-old actor has been sued for wrongful death of his ex girlfriend #CathrionaWhite by her estranged husband, Mark Burton, and her mother, Brigid Sweetman. A newly unearthed note, which apparently White wrote two years before taking her own life, blames the actor for introducing her to “cocaine, prostitutes, mental abuse and disease.” . Today on September 30, the Dumb & Dumber actor has filed a cross-complaint, alleging that White tried to extort money out of him by falsely claiming he gave her STDs. ???? Swipe left to read Carrey’s statement which he shared on his Twitter account. Carrey’s lawyer Raymond Boucher has written a complaint which states that White’s “bumps" were actually the result of a bad wax job, and that she already had herpes before the pair began dating in September 2012. The lawsuit also reportedly alleges that White’s estranged husband and her mother "encouraged, pressured, and pushed Cat to get millions of dollars from Jim and to take him for all that she could." Adding: "For her part, Cat was angry and upset by the breakup, and wanted to hurt Jim as badly as she could." . In a response, Burton, Marchino and Sweetman’s attorney Michael Avenatti told PEOPLE in a statement, “Jim Carrey is so desperate to avoid the public knowing the truth about his own outrageous conduct, that he has now resorted to outlandish accusations against innocent people. As his interview from a few weeks ago shows, the guy is incoherent and unhinged. He needs help.”

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Parintii fetei sustin ca din cauza acestor boli si a rupturii de Jim, Cathriona a intrat in depresie si s-a sinucis luand o supradoza de medicamente pe care actorul i le-ar fi dat. 

In septembrie 2016, parintii make-up artistului l-au dat in judecata pe actor, acuzandu-l de ucidere din culpa. Actorul, la randul lui, i-a dat in judecata pentru santaj.

Parintii fetei au adus dovezi medicale pentru a demonstra faptul ca tanara nu avea nicio boala cu transmitere sexuala inainte de relatia cu Carrey, dar instanta a stabilit ca sunt false si l-au achitat pe Jim de acuzatiile aduse. 

Acum, dupa mai bine de doi ani de cand a inceput acest cosmar, actorul a scapat de proces si isi poate continua viata.

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