"Ma ingrozeam cand probam costume de baie". La 19 ani, pustoaica timida a ajuns una dintre cele mai sexy tinere actrite

"Cateodata nu ma simt deloc bine in corpul meu. Dar apoi imi reamintesc ca asta e corpul care mi-a fost dat. Asta-s eu", a marturisit Ariel Winter in cel mai recent interviu.

In varsta de 19 ani, Ariel Winter este una dintre vedetele care e adesea criticata pentru felul in care arata. Nu coresponde standardelor de la Hollywood, fiind considerata "plinuta" conform standardelor de frumusete stabilite de showbizul international.


Y'all I love you but PLEASE pay attention and post my REAL point from my @refinery29 interview!!! Not that I'm "defending living with my 29 year old boyfriend" or that I'm "firing back at Trump" because first of all I don't need to defend anything I'm super happy and in love, and I'm not firing at anyone just sharing an opinion after being ASKED! The point was to take back the beach and help people understand that the beach should be a safe space to go as you please and feel good about yourself no matter what! Makeup on, makeup off, heels, sandals, covered up, exposed, do you and feel HAPPY about who you are and YOUR choices, not the ones society wants us to choose. It's also HARD to be 100% confident- I'm still not- but I'm on a journey and I want other people to know they're not alone. We all struggle but through our struggle we get stronger and closer to our goals. Body positivity is important- not that I live with my boyfriend. Press- please read the article and take it for what it is- not what will give you more readers! Let's all be real and represent people how they want to be represented through what they actually say. Rant over. Love yourselves, love others, be yourselves, and be happy. Xo

O postare distribuită de ARIEL WINTER (@arielwinter) pe

Toate astea nu o opresc insa pe Ariel sa isi etaleze trupul voluptos de cate ori are ocazia. "Dupa ce mi-am facut operatie de micsorare a sanilor, m-am simtit mult mai bine in pielea mea", a spus tanara actrita cunoscuta pentru rolul din Modern Family.

"Cea mai bune prietena a mea e super inalta si slaba, iar cand amandoua purtam acelasi tip de costum de baie lumea se uita automat la mine si ma face in toate felurile sau in presa apar fel de fel de titluri legate de decolteul meu", a mai spus Ariel Winter.


Happy #MemorialDay ????

O postare distribuită de ARIEL WINTER (@arielwinter) pe

Totusi, Ariel a invatat sa treaca peste aceste rautati, iar in cel mai nou pictorial al sau arata exceptional in costum de baie, in ciuda celor cateva kilograme in plus.

Vedeta a recunoscut intr-un interviu ca i-a fost extrem de greu la inceputul carierei, pentru ca era constant criticata. "Toata lumea din Modern Family era criticata, dar in special eu, pentru ca eram cea mai mica dintre toti. Mi-a fost foarte greu. Ariel a marturisit ca utilizatorii de Twitter o numeau "ciudata", "nasoala", "grasa" si "urata".
  • Ma ingrozeam cand probam costume de baie . La 19 ani, pustoaica timida a ajuns una dintre cele mai sexy tinere actrite

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