Schimbarea e vizibila. Crystal, sotia lui Hugh Hefner, a renuntat la silicoane. Cum arata blonda acum

Crystal Hefner, sotia fondatorului revistei "Playboy", Hugh Hefner, a decis sa renunte recent la implanturile mamare. Ea spune ca silicoanele i-au provocat o serie grava de simptome, potrivit

Vedeta in varsta de 30 de ani a marturisit ca in ultimii ani s-a confurntat cu o serie de probleme pe care nu si le putea explica. Acestea s-au agravat atat de tare, incat a fost nevoita sa petreaca in pat mai multe zile, acest episod neplacut provocandu-i depresie.

"Intoleranta la anumite alimente si bauturi, dureri de spate inexplicabile, dureri constante in zona gatului si a umerilor, disfunctii cognitive (gandire neclara, pierderi de memorie), incetinirea cresterii parului, oboseala fizica, dureri la nivelul vezicii urinare, imunitate scazuta, infectii recurente si problem ale tiroidei si glandelor suprarenale. Cu toate m-am confruntat", a marturisit fostul Iepuras Crystal Hefner intr-un mesaj pe pagina sa de Facebook.


My Breast Implants Slowly Poisoned Me Intolerance to foods and beverages, unexplained back pain, constant neck and shoulder pain, cognitive dysfunction (brain fog, memory loss), stunted hair growth, incapacitating fatigue, burning bladder pain, low immunity, recurring infections and problems with my thyroid and adrenals. The mildest of those symptoms started a few years back. The aches, the bladder pain, brain fog, fatigue. I ignored it, labeling myself a hypochondriac, despite truly worrying that there was something wrong with me. I joked about losing my memory to age, and about getting "lazy". I began to cancel appointments and shoots because everything exhausted me. Before everything went downhill I was at the gym five days a week, and always shooting and working. I've had days in 2016 when I couldn't get out of bed. I’ve felt such despair knowing life was happening all around me but I couldn’t participate. I had to miss my Summer DJ residency at my favorite Vegas spot, the Rehab pool at The Hard Rock Hotel. The fatigue was so severe that I could barely leave the house or drive. I was afraid to get up there in front of a crowd and go blank with brain fog. I had a bunch of spare photos that have enabled me to stay active on social media for the last six months. I’ve tried to keep a facade of normalcy while working to figure out what was going on with my body. Once I became allergic to most every food, had intolerable pain, developed stomach issues and night sweats, I began to research. I found a holistic doctor (Dr. Farshid Rahbar) and was tested for everything. After I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and toxic mold, I posted about it on social media. I began to receive comments saying that my symptoms resembled "Breast Implant Illness." I found a Breast Implant Illness website and Facebook group with almost 3,000 members. My symptoms matched theirs. Over time, implants (both silicone and saline) break down and wreak havoc on your body. The shell on silicone and saline implants is comprised of silicone and over 40 other toxic chemicals... (continued in link in bio)

A photo posted by Crystal Hefner (@crystalhefner) on

In ultima perioada, vedeta americana nu isi mai publicase fotografii recente pe site-urile de socializare, ci poze mai vechi, incercand sa pastreze aparentele, fara a da de inteles ca ar fi bolnava. In cele din urma a fost diagnosticata cu boala Lyme si cu o ciuperca extrem de toxica, ceea ce i-ar fi cauzat durerile de nesuportat si o serie de alergii la majoritatea alimentelor.

Dupa ce a facut public diagnositicul, Crystal a primit mai multe telefoane de la admiratorii sai care au sfatuit-o sa ia in considerare si "boala implanturilor mamare". Aceasta a facut cateva cercetari in domeniu si constatat ca simptomele acelei afectiuni corespund cu ale ei. Asa a decis ca este cazul sa urmeze o procedura de extirpare a implanturilor mamare pentru a nu isi pune sanatatea in pericol.

Ceea ce s-a si dovedit a fi intr-un final adevarat, deoarece vedeta a marturisit ca a simtit imediat o imbunatatire a starii sale de sanatate. "Mi le-a scos doctorul Lu-Jean Fend, pe 15 iunie 2016. Este cel mai bun medic din tara in acest domeniu. Instantaneu, am observat ca durerile de la nivelul gatului si umerilor au disparut si ca puteam sa respir mult mai bine. Stiu ca nu ma voi simti 100% bine dupa o singura noapte. Implanturile mele au avut nevoie de 8 ani pentru a ma imbolnavi, asadar stiu ca am nevoie de timp inainte de a ma simti mai bine", a scris vedeta americana pe pagina sa.

Crystal Hefner este nascuta pe 29 aprilie 1986 si este model, cantareata, DJ si vedeta TV din Statele Unite. Totodata ea este si cea de-a treia sotie a faimosului Hugh Hefner, fondatorul imperiului Playboy.

  • Schimbarea e vizibila. Crystal, sotia lui Hugh Hefner, a renuntat la silicoane. Cum arata blonda acum

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