Ea este femeia care l-a cucerit pe Dwayne Johnson. Cum arata iubita unuia dintre cei mai duri actori de la Hollywood

Dwayne Johnson este unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti actori de la Hollywood, cariera sa explodand in ultimii ani.

Pe langa succesul pe care il are pe plan profesional, starul filmelor de actiune se poate lauda si cu o viata personala fericita, chiar daca a divortat in urma cu 9 ani de cea care i-a daruit o fiica.

Actorul de 44 de ani are o relatie de 9 ani cu Laura Hashian (32 de ani), relatie inceputa imediat dupa ce starul a divortat de Dany Garcia. Desi e despartit de prima nevasta, ei au ramas in relatii apropiate, tinand cont ca aceasta a fost prezenta alaturi de actualul ei partener la evenimentul in cadrul caruia Dwayne si-a lasat amprentele pe cimentul de la Chinese Theatre, din Hollywood.


I know I'm late to the party... Sometimes life gets full and busy in the best ways :)... So grateful and in awe of this time. To experience creating a little life is just incredible. This beautiful cycle of life and womanhood beginning again. And like Big Daddy says - Couldn't be prouder of all the kickass women she's going to have around her! And Men of course ;).. #LetsJustHopeBigDaddyDoesnt=20lbBaby ❤️ ・・・ #Repost @therock with @repostapp. I was raised by and live with amazing and strong women, so the universe felt we needed one more... IT'S A BABY GIRL!! THANK YOU guys so much for the awesome support and love you've sent @laurenhashianofficial and myself from around the world. We're so grateful for this blessing and thrilled to share the news with y'all. #BringOnMoreEstrogenInOurHome #MeAndPuppyHobbsAreTheOnlyDudes #2xProudPapaBear #JustOverHereMakingBabiesAndStuff #AndPalmingPregnantBellys ????????????????

A photo posted by Lauren Hashian (@laurenhashianofficial) on

  • Ea este femeia care l-a cucerit pe Dwayne Johnson. Cum arata iubita unuia dintre cei mai duri actori de la Hollywood

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