Unul e celebru si bogat. Altul, muncitor si abia cunoscut. Cum arata varul lui Dwayne Johnson, cascadorul lui oficial

De la debutul in anul 2002 si pana acum, cascadorul si dublura lui Dwayne Johnson este nimeni altul decat varul la fel de muncitor, dar mai putin cunoscut.

Tanoai Reed a aparut in peste 12 filme alaturi de Dwayne Johnson, legatura lor depasind gradul de rudenie si transformandu-se intr-un adevarat parteneriat de afaceri. Practic, acolo unde filmeaza Dwayne, apare si Tanoai.

Iar motivul este evident: cei doi au acelasi tip de silueta, seamana si ca trasaturi fizice si sunt nedespartiti pe orice platou de filmare. Tanoai ii tine locul starului in scenele pe care acesta nu poate sa le filmeze si, de cele mai multe ori, trece printr-o multime de pericole pentru ca secventele de actiune sa iasa perfect.

Pentru a se asigura ca proiectele au o finalitate ca la carte, varul lui Dwayne tine la randul lui regimul alimentar al actorului, face exercitii fizice intense si accepta orice schimbare de look pentru a se asemana cu starul.

Iata cum arata si cat de mult seamana cei doi:


TBT On the set of "Faster" #DoubleTrouble. #UceDeuce

A photo posted by Tanoai Reed (@samoanstuntman) on


Samoan double trouble... Hollywood stuntmen and women are often unrecognized, yet so deserving. Putting their bodies on the line in extremely dangerous stunts so the movie star can look incredible on the silver screen. He's shattered bones, sliced tendons, f*cked up his shoulders and back and countless surgeries - my stunt double @samoanstuntman Tanoai Reed has always been willing to put it all on the line to make our movies phenomenal and deliver the best quality action for you - our global fans. From SCORPION KING to FAST AND FURIOUS to THE RUNDOWN to SAN ANDREAS to CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE he's been "bringin' it" from the beginning. He's one of the best stuntmen on the planet, and one of the toughest motherf*cker's I've ever known, but more importantly than that, he's got the greatest reputation for being the nicest and most humble guy - and that's what makes me most proud. And on top of all that.. he's my cousin!


See, Silverback Beasts aren't always on Beast Mode. Photo by @mapuanareed

A photo posted by Tanoai Reed (@samoanstuntman) on

  • Unul e celebru si bogat. Altul, muncitor si abia cunoscut. Cum arata varul lui Dwayne Johnson, cascadorul lui oficial

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